Tuesday, March 27, 2012


After a long day of the wonderful writing STAAR test my kiddo's had to take, I came home and went for a 2.5 mile run with my husband.  We passed by a squashed armadillo and a stinky skunk that were horrible and awfully foul smelling!  Try holding your breath and running...doesn't make for a good thing!  Neither one of us were very hungry after that.  So we sat down on the living room floor and we just talked.  It's so nice to actually spend good, quality time with my husband to sit and listen to what he did during the day and to tell him what I did.  One story I had for him today was about humility.  I had taken about 2 hours to print, cut, write a sweet note, tie with curly-cue string and added a STAAR pencil for my kids taking the test today.  I had 38 of them to write and my gracious husband helped.  (He did say that he was glad I loved them because he sure wouldn't be doing this. Thanks babe!)  I went to school this morning so excited to give them to my kids and I think they were just as excited to get them, until one student goes, "Mrs. Houck, you didn't spell STAAR right!"  My response was, "Oh really?  How did I spell it?"  "You spelled it STARR!"  So I laughed and kept passing them out.  However, I had a few more students point out that I said "you you" instead of "you will".  I just laughed and said, "You know, I always tell you I'm not perfect and here is a great example!"

Humility.  Dictionary.com puts it in terms like these: not proud or arrogant; modest, having a feeling of insignificance, inferiority, subservient, etc.; low in rank, importance, status and so on.  I finished Ruth this morning because it's not a very long book of the bible and I think about her as I write this.  Ruth was a very humble woman.  Boaz was a very humble man.  Not only do we have two obedient people, but we have two humble people as well.  Boaz made sure that his relative knew about all the assets that Naomi had to offer and knew that he could very well take it all.  Ruth was humble towards her mother-in-law and self-sacrificing for her sake.  Since Boaz's close relative didn't or couldn't take upon Naomi and Ruth, he humbly took them in.  In return, because of their obedience, they are in the lineage of Christ!  HOLY STINKIN' COW!  Could you imagine not being obedient to God and because of that disobedience missing out on so much that God has in store for us?

Sometimes, obedience is hard and it takes humility to get there.  To accept that we did something wrong and now we must go and ask forgiveness from whom we wronged.  Even more so, God calls us to be obedient to His will.  We must humble ourselves and give up OUR wants and OUR desires so that God's will is the only thing that shines through.  I know that it is hard for me to go to my husband when I have wronged him.  TO anyone for that matter, but that's where pride comes in.  Maybe that should be a blog for tomorrow!

Lord, teach me how to be humble.  Show me how to live with humility and not with pride.  Teach me obedience and how to walk in it.  Father, I want what you want.  Not my will, but Yours be done.  Thank you, Jesus for showing us what true humility looks like for dying on the cross for our sins.  I am not worthy of it, but I desperately need it.  Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. Love this, sis. Humility is something the Lord is teaching me over and over again daily. I find that when I'm truly walking in self-sacrifical love my life is so much more Christ-filled and free from the burdens of this life. I have to constantly be on guard though, and keep the Word of God in the forefront of my mind to be able to do it. You're right when you said that denying ourselves is so hard. The hopeful thing is that the Lord loves us so much that He will continue to humble (bring about situations in our lives to show us how prideful we are) us until we realize it's not worth it to be prideful anymore, and once and for all, give our defensiveness and pride up to Him completely! I'm so thankful Jesus paved the way for us and He can help us daily live out the true call to take up our cross, deny ourselves, and follow our Savior! Thanks for writing this, glad God's teaching you so much! Love you very much!
