Thursday, March 29, 2012


Have you ever thought you were good at something and then later found out that you weren't?  I usually consider myself a pretty patient individual.  However, the last two days were spent testing and all I could do was walk around the room.  No talking, no reading, no NOTHING!  Days like those are just the most boring.

Since I have finished Ruth, I am now reading in Genesis about Sarah, the wife of Abraham.  In keeping with the theme of this blog, Sarah was not a very patient person.  She had been married to Abraham for a long time and still couldn't have any children.  In that culture, if you couldn't produce any children then it was custom for you to give your husband a maidservant so that she could bear some heirs for you.  The little glitch in this story was that Abraham had already had a vision from the Lord telling him that God was going to give him an heir from his own flesh and blood.  Instead of being patient, they took matters into their own hands.  They decided what was best for them and Sarah gave Hagaar to Abraham so that she could bear him a child.  I'll continue with the story at a later date....

How often are we not patient enough and we take matters into our own hands?  Can't we just wait for the Lord to do what He says He will do?

Lord, help me to be patient.  Teach me how to wait on You and Your will for me instead of taking charge and doing what I want.  I trust that Your timing is best and that You will meet all of my needs.  I need You, Lord.

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