Do you love York Peppermint Patties from the story? Then you are going to LOVE this recipe! It takes very few ingredients and it's not really time consuming. I would have to say it is quite messy though! I borrowed this recipe from Elana's Pantry. You should check out her website and buy a cookbook. She has some amazing recipes and I have tried several!
Peppermint Patties
½ cup coconut oil
¼ cup agave nectar
½ teaspoon peppermint oil
½ to 1 cup of dark chocolate chips
1. In a small bowl, combine coconut oil, agave nectar and peppermint oil, mixing with a spoon.
2. Smash clumps of coconut oil against the side of the bowl until the mixture is smooth.
3. Freeze the mixture for a few minutes until it starts to harden and then remove from the freezer.
4. Use a small ice cream scoop (or cookie scoop as I use) to measure out little balls onto a parchment paper lined plate.
5. Squish the balls down into flat patties on the parchment paper.
6. Melt the chocolate over very low heat and allow to cool. The trick is that the chocolate really needs to be pretty cool in order for it to stick to the oil balls.
7. Dip the patties into the melted chocolate. I used a spoon to drop the patty in the chocolate and to cover the patty.
8. You may need to freeze them again. Then take them out and enjoy!
It makes about 12 patties.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
When I think of the word idol I tend to think of actual items that could be found in my house. I don't usually think of activities being idols. In my quiet time this morning with the Lord, I was reminded of idols. 1 Samuel begins with a priest named Eli who was a great priest. He loved the Lord and did great things. But he soon lost focus. He was more concerned with the symbols of his religion than with the God they represented. For Eli, the ark of the covenant had become a relic to be protected rather than a reminder of the Protector.
I was also reminded through a sermon series Michael and I have been listening too. Craig Groeschel is the pastor at Here is the latest sermon series called From This Day Forward. This Sunday will be the final week in the series and I can't wait. The first sermon was called Seek God and I simply loved it! He talked about seeking our 1 with our 2. We as Christians will probably understand this, but I will break it down just in case. In Michael and I's marriage we seek God first because He is our number 1 priority. The love that we have for our Lord and Savior will overflow to the one He gave us; our spouse. It's a triangle. Together we seek God (our 1) with our spouse (our 2). It makes perfect sense. Right? Then how is it that we get entangled in the daily routines of life and we forget about our 1?
All over the Old Testament I am seeing how the Israelites seek God, get comfortable, then fall away from God. They live in their sin until they can't take it anymore and then they fall on their faces and ask God for forgiveness. By His grace alone, He takes them back each and every time. This happens time and time and time and time AND TIME again. WHY? Why can't they just get it right? It is so incredibly simple to see where they mess up and why! But yet they just don't get it!
As I take a look at myself, I realize I am the same way. I would venture to say that you are too. We ALL are! As believers we know what we are supposed to do, we know the right things to say, but then we get comfortable and we forget. We get relaxed and lose focus.
It frustrates the tar out of me when that happens in my walk. I don't like it one bit. I put my work before the Lord. I put working out before the Lord. I put my eating and health before the Lord. I put my friends or family before the Lord. I put reading good books before the Lord. I take things in my own hands and do what I think and feel is best for me at the time.
Does that not SCREAM IDOL WORSHIP! UGH! I am a sinner and I admit it. I mess up. I choose things and activities over God. Lord forgive me!
I was supposed to start a part time nannying job this week until we move to Austin in December. God had other plans. I remember being in D.C. and talking with the Lord. God spoke very clearly to me in telling me to go to Austin with my husband. To trust Him because He was going to work it all out. Since that time, I have lost some trust and tried to figure it out on my own; i.e. nanny job. Yesterday I was driving home from running some errands and it hit me. I turned off the radio and began thanking God for the time that I had. I laughed and cried all at once because had I been working, I wouldn't have had the time that I get right now. I have time to dig deep into the Word each morning. I have time to be the wife that I want to be. I have time to work out, cook, clean, love on people, meet with people, and time to just breathe. If I would be working, my time would be divided and I wouldn't be able to focus on those things.
I am so grateful for the time that I am getting to spend right now. My friend Stacy posted on my Facebook this morning, "Enjoy the quiet, sister, because your next season probably won't be that way!"
Lord, thank you for this time that you have given me to spend with You. Help me not to lose sight of what You have called me to right now and to bask in Your presence. Amen
I was also reminded through a sermon series Michael and I have been listening too. Craig Groeschel is the pastor at Here is the latest sermon series called From This Day Forward. This Sunday will be the final week in the series and I can't wait. The first sermon was called Seek God and I simply loved it! He talked about seeking our 1 with our 2. We as Christians will probably understand this, but I will break it down just in case. In Michael and I's marriage we seek God first because He is our number 1 priority. The love that we have for our Lord and Savior will overflow to the one He gave us; our spouse. It's a triangle. Together we seek God (our 1) with our spouse (our 2). It makes perfect sense. Right? Then how is it that we get entangled in the daily routines of life and we forget about our 1?
All over the Old Testament I am seeing how the Israelites seek God, get comfortable, then fall away from God. They live in their sin until they can't take it anymore and then they fall on their faces and ask God for forgiveness. By His grace alone, He takes them back each and every time. This happens time and time and time and time AND TIME again. WHY? Why can't they just get it right? It is so incredibly simple to see where they mess up and why! But yet they just don't get it!
As I take a look at myself, I realize I am the same way. I would venture to say that you are too. We ALL are! As believers we know what we are supposed to do, we know the right things to say, but then we get comfortable and we forget. We get relaxed and lose focus.
It frustrates the tar out of me when that happens in my walk. I don't like it one bit. I put my work before the Lord. I put working out before the Lord. I put my eating and health before the Lord. I put my friends or family before the Lord. I put reading good books before the Lord. I take things in my own hands and do what I think and feel is best for me at the time.
Does that not SCREAM IDOL WORSHIP! UGH! I am a sinner and I admit it. I mess up. I choose things and activities over God. Lord forgive me!
I was supposed to start a part time nannying job this week until we move to Austin in December. God had other plans. I remember being in D.C. and talking with the Lord. God spoke very clearly to me in telling me to go to Austin with my husband. To trust Him because He was going to work it all out. Since that time, I have lost some trust and tried to figure it out on my own; i.e. nanny job. Yesterday I was driving home from running some errands and it hit me. I turned off the radio and began thanking God for the time that I had. I laughed and cried all at once because had I been working, I wouldn't have had the time that I get right now. I have time to dig deep into the Word each morning. I have time to be the wife that I want to be. I have time to work out, cook, clean, love on people, meet with people, and time to just breathe. If I would be working, my time would be divided and I wouldn't be able to focus on those things.
I am so grateful for the time that I am getting to spend right now. My friend Stacy posted on my Facebook this morning, "Enjoy the quiet, sister, because your next season probably won't be that way!"
Lord, thank you for this time that you have given me to spend with You. Help me not to lose sight of what You have called me to right now and to bask in Your presence. Amen
Monday, August 27, 2012
If you begin a sentence today with "My mother-in-law", it generally means something not so good or negative. Am I right? I will probably even get more hits on my blog today just because of the title alone! Seriously!
On a more serious note, I want to take a closer look at a specific mother-in-law in the Bible and in my own life. Most likely we know the story of Naomi and Ruth in the Old Testament. Naomi and her husband, Elimelech, and their two sons, Mahlon and Killion, decided to move to Moab because Israel was in a time of famine. Naomi's husband died and her sons decided to marry Moabite women, one being Ruth and the other Orpah. Tragedy strikes again and both of Naomi's sons die. After their time of mourning, Ruth tells the women to go back to their homes and remarry because she wasn't going to be able to offer them any more sons or the finances to care for them. Very honorable on her part because in those days being a widow was a horrible thing.
Ruth, however, chose to stick with Naomi. I love how she puts it in Ruth 1:16-18 "But Ruth replied, 'Don't urge me to leave you or turn back from you. Where you go, I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God. Where you die I will die, and there I will be buried. May the Lord deal with me, be it ever so severely, if anything but death separates you and me.' When Naomi realized that Ruth was determined to go with her, she stopped urging her."
The story goes on and we know that Boaz steps up to be a kinsman-redeemer to Ruth and takes her in to be his wife. Ruth then becomes the great grandmother of King David and is in the direct lineage of Christ.
Think about this for a second. If you are married, did you fall in love with your spouse because of your in-laws? Did you look at your spouse and say, "Yes! I am going to marry you because then I will have the best in-laws in the world!" Ok, calm down. I am just joking. But seriously. I am going to assume that most of us didn't say anything like that. Our focus was on our spouse. Not on their parents.
I believe that when we say "I do" at the altar we not only gain a husband, but another family. I believe that when we take a vow of marriage to love and cherish our spouse that we are also making a vow to our spouses' family. Regardless of how they act or how they treat us. Regardless of the circumstances that arise. Regardless of the ANYthing! Love!
I am INCREDIBLY blessed to have gained such an amazing family when I married Michael. My mother and father-in-law are fabulous people along with my sisters and brother-in-laws. I couldn't have asked for anything better and God knew just what I needed. He has blessed me far beyond what I could think or imagine. I am proud to be a Houck and even though they are my in-laws, they are my family. I may refer to them as Michael's side, but they are my family just as much as his.
My prayer is that I will be devoted to them as Ruth was to Naomi. That I would love them despite the circumstances that may arise or the hardships. That I would love them through all the fun times. The times of laughter and joy, but also in sorrow and weeping. God forbid anything happen to Michael, they would still be my family for life and I would stick with them and they, me.
Thank you Keely and David for loving me unconditionally and accepting me for who I am. Thank you for your continuous love and support for Michael and I in all our endeavors. Thank you for caring for and providing for us. Thank you Ryan and Kalese for loving and accepting us. Thank you for sharing in our joys and in our sorrows. Thank you Kalen and Lindsey for being the hands and feet of Jesus and for sharing Him with us daily. Thank you to all extended family for all that you give us and for all that you do. We love you and are very thankful for you.
I want to leave a legacy like that of Ruth. I want to be known as a lover of Jesus! But I don't want to stop there. I want my family, from my parents and my siblings, my church family, and all of my friends to know that I love them. I want to serve them. I want to go the extra mile to do whatever it is God called me to do. I want to passionately love like they have never been loved before. I want to serve like they have never been served before. I want to leave with that kind of legacy.
Lord, you know my heart. You know my desires. You know that it is not possible without daily seeking You first. I pray that You would lead me and guide me. Not only when it's easy to love and serve, but when it's hard and uncomfortable. Father thank you for blessing me with such an amazing family. Thank you for allowing me to see them like You do. Continue to teach me how to pray for them, love on them, and serve them. May my legacy be that others saw You through me and that I was a servant who became Your hands and feet. Amen.
If you begin a sentence today with "My mother-in-law", it generally means something not so good or negative. Am I right? I will probably even get more hits on my blog today just because of the title alone! Seriously!
On a more serious note, I want to take a closer look at a specific mother-in-law in the Bible and in my own life. Most likely we know the story of Naomi and Ruth in the Old Testament. Naomi and her husband, Elimelech, and their two sons, Mahlon and Killion, decided to move to Moab because Israel was in a time of famine. Naomi's husband died and her sons decided to marry Moabite women, one being Ruth and the other Orpah. Tragedy strikes again and both of Naomi's sons die. After their time of mourning, Ruth tells the women to go back to their homes and remarry because she wasn't going to be able to offer them any more sons or the finances to care for them. Very honorable on her part because in those days being a widow was a horrible thing.
Ruth, however, chose to stick with Naomi. I love how she puts it in Ruth 1:16-18 "But Ruth replied, 'Don't urge me to leave you or turn back from you. Where you go, I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God. Where you die I will die, and there I will be buried. May the Lord deal with me, be it ever so severely, if anything but death separates you and me.' When Naomi realized that Ruth was determined to go with her, she stopped urging her."
The story goes on and we know that Boaz steps up to be a kinsman-redeemer to Ruth and takes her in to be his wife. Ruth then becomes the great grandmother of King David and is in the direct lineage of Christ.
Think about this for a second. If you are married, did you fall in love with your spouse because of your in-laws? Did you look at your spouse and say, "Yes! I am going to marry you because then I will have the best in-laws in the world!" Ok, calm down. I am just joking. But seriously. I am going to assume that most of us didn't say anything like that. Our focus was on our spouse. Not on their parents.
I believe that when we say "I do" at the altar we not only gain a husband, but another family. I believe that when we take a vow of marriage to love and cherish our spouse that we are also making a vow to our spouses' family. Regardless of how they act or how they treat us. Regardless of the circumstances that arise. Regardless of the ANYthing! Love!
I am INCREDIBLY blessed to have gained such an amazing family when I married Michael. My mother and father-in-law are fabulous people along with my sisters and brother-in-laws. I couldn't have asked for anything better and God knew just what I needed. He has blessed me far beyond what I could think or imagine. I am proud to be a Houck and even though they are my in-laws, they are my family. I may refer to them as Michael's side, but they are my family just as much as his.
My prayer is that I will be devoted to them as Ruth was to Naomi. That I would love them despite the circumstances that may arise or the hardships. That I would love them through all the fun times. The times of laughter and joy, but also in sorrow and weeping. God forbid anything happen to Michael, they would still be my family for life and I would stick with them and they, me.
Thank you Keely and David for loving me unconditionally and accepting me for who I am. Thank you for your continuous love and support for Michael and I in all our endeavors. Thank you for caring for and providing for us. Thank you Ryan and Kalese for loving and accepting us. Thank you for sharing in our joys and in our sorrows. Thank you Kalen and Lindsey for being the hands and feet of Jesus and for sharing Him with us daily. Thank you to all extended family for all that you give us and for all that you do. We love you and are very thankful for you.
I want to leave a legacy like that of Ruth. I want to be known as a lover of Jesus! But I don't want to stop there. I want my family, from my parents and my siblings, my church family, and all of my friends to know that I love them. I want to serve them. I want to go the extra mile to do whatever it is God called me to do. I want to passionately love like they have never been loved before. I want to serve like they have never been served before. I want to leave with that kind of legacy.
Lord, you know my heart. You know my desires. You know that it is not possible without daily seeking You first. I pray that You would lead me and guide me. Not only when it's easy to love and serve, but when it's hard and uncomfortable. Father thank you for blessing me with such an amazing family. Thank you for allowing me to see them like You do. Continue to teach me how to pray for them, love on them, and serve them. May my legacy be that others saw You through me and that I was a servant who became Your hands and feet. Amen.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Prove it!
I want to share this story about Gideon in the book of Judges before I explain my Prove It! title. Gideon is found in chapter 6-7 in the book of Judges. The Israelites have once again been disobedient. They started living like the people of the land, the Midianites, and serving false idols, worshiping things of this world, and just plain being disobedient. They were told by Joshua to drive out all the inhabitants of the Promised Land and to not let one person live. They didn't listen and therefore they will face trouble for the rest of their lives. This is yet another encounter and when they got to their worst they cried out to God. God sent them a prophet. Then an angel of the Lord appeared Gideon, a farmers boy. Here is the story:
Judges 6:11-24
This isn't all of it. He went and did what the Lord has asked of him. At night, he got some men together and tore down the Asherah pole and broke down Baal's altar. Then he made an altar for the Lord and sacrificed a bull on it. The towns people demanded who did all of this. They found out Gideon did and wanted to kill him, but his dad stepped in and told the guys they were crazy for sticking up for those fake gods. They didn't really like that response, but decided to leave it and let Baal deal with him. Now we have the Midianites and the Amalektes and other eastern people coming to join forces to kill off the Israelites when the Spirit of the Lord comes upon Gideon. He blows a trumpet summoning the Abiezrites for folow him and all the other tribes around him. Here is the rest of the story.
Judges 6: 36-40
Judges 6:11-24
"The angel of the Lord came and sat down under the oak in Ophrah that belonged to Joash the Abiezrite, where his son Gideon was threshing wheat in a winepress to keep it from the Midianites. When the angel of the Lord appeared to Gideon, he said, “The Lord is with you, mighty warrior. ” “Pardon me, my lord,” Gideon replied, “but if the Lord is with us, why has all this happened to us? Where are all his wonders that our ancestors told us about when they said, ‘Did not the Lord bring us up out of Egypt?’ But now the Lord has abandoned us and given us into the hand of Midian.” The Lord turned to him and said, “Go in the strength you have and save Israel out of Midian’s hand. Am I not sending you?” “Pardon me, my lord,” Gideon replied, “but how can I save Israel? My clan is the weakest in Manasseh, and I am the least in my family. ” The Lord answered, “I will be with you , and you will strike down all the Midianites, leaving none alive.” Gideon replied, “If now I have found favor in your eyes, give me a sign that it is really you talking to me. Please do not go away until I come back and bring my offering and set it before you.”
And the Lord said, “I will wait until you return.” Gideon went inside, prepared a young goat, and from an ephah of flour he made bread without yeast. Putting the meat in a basket and its broth in a pot, he brought them out and offered them to him under the oak. The angel of God said to him, “Take the meat and the unleavened bread, place them on this rock,and pour out the broth.” And Gideon did so. Then the angel of the Lord touched the meat and the unleavened bread with the tip of the staff that was in his hand. Fire flared from the rock, consuming the meat and the bread. And the angel of the Lord disappeared. When Gideon realized that it was the angel of the Lord, he exclaimed, “Alas, Sovereign Lord! I have seen the angel of the Lord face to face!” But the Lord said to him, “Peace! Do not be afraid. You are not going to die.”
So Gideon built an altar to the Lord there and called it The Lord Is Peace. To this day it stands in Ophrah of the Abiezrites."This isn't all of it. He went and did what the Lord has asked of him. At night, he got some men together and tore down the Asherah pole and broke down Baal's altar. Then he made an altar for the Lord and sacrificed a bull on it. The towns people demanded who did all of this. They found out Gideon did and wanted to kill him, but his dad stepped in and told the guys they were crazy for sticking up for those fake gods. They didn't really like that response, but decided to leave it and let Baal deal with him. Now we have the Midianites and the Amalektes and other eastern people coming to join forces to kill off the Israelites when the Spirit of the Lord comes upon Gideon. He blows a trumpet summoning the Abiezrites for folow him and all the other tribes around him. Here is the rest of the story.
Judges 6: 36-40
Gideon said to God, “If you will save Israel by my hand as you have promised look, I will place a wool fleece on the threshing floor. If there is dew only on the fleece and all the ground is dry, then I will know that you will save Israel by my hand, as you said.” And that is what happened. Gideon rose early the next day; he squeezed the fleece and wrung out the dew—a bowlful of water. Then Gideon said to God, “Do not be angry with me. Let me make just one more request. Allow me one more test with the fleece, but this time make the fleece dry and let the ground be covered with dew.” That night God did so. Only the fleece was dry; all the ground was covered with dew.
WOW! Just to sum this up, Gideon saw an angel who told him what God wanted him to do and then he questions God about even makes some demands of the angel. Then the Spirit of the Lord comes upon him and he again makes some demands of God as if to say PROVE IT to God! Does this make you get fired up like it does me?
Then I stop and think, how often do I make demands of God or how often do I now follow through with something God has asked of me? We have something that Gideon didn't have. We have God's word! They didn't have that back then. They were taught and in most cases memorized the first five books of the Bible if their parents taught them, but they didn't have an actual copy of the Bible yet.
Next time I want to make demands of God or tell God to prove it, I hope that I come into God's word and find where He has already proven it before and I act out of obedience!
Lord, help me to not question Your authority or to ask of You things in which need not asking. Help me to be obedient to what You are asking me to do or to wherever You are calling us. I want to be a woman of great faith, Lord. 'Not by my might nor by my power, but by Your spirit' (Zechariah 4:6). Help me to live like this. Amen.
Monday, August 20, 2012
What is it all about?
What does Yahweh want from us? What is the point? What are we supposed to do?
The Lord had lead me in
the last six months or so in a journey through motivation and identity. Simply,
I have wrapped up my identity in the things that I do and accomplish compared
to what the Lord says about me; how He identifies me. The Lord has used these
and a few other key verses to speak Truth in my life.
Micah 6:8 - He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the
LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with
your God.
Matthew 22:37-40- Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all
your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
Isaiah 58- Long chapter so look it up. It reveals
God’s heart towards what he really wants of us in a fast: to loose the bonds of
wickedness, to undo the straps of the yoke, to let the oppressed go free, and
to break every yoke? Is it not to share your bread with the hungry and bring
the homeless poor into your house, when you see the naked, to cover him, and
not to hide yourself from your own flesh?
The desires and commandments of God are really
pretty simple, yet I try to make them complicated and difficult. I am not
saying that following the Lord is easy, far from it; I am saying that following
the Lord is simple. Golfers have a saying, that golf is a simple game, get the
ball from the tee box to the hole in as few strokes as possible, but it is hard
to do. I need to be reminded that God gives me value, and I need to not believe
the lie that the world keeps speaking that I am valuable when I get some stuff,
make a certain amount of money, or accomplish an unreachable amount of tasks. “Do
the best you can trust God for the rest” is something that comes to mind.
Perspective is crucial.
To finish, God wants us to love Him fully, love
our brothers the best we can, desire to see His Kingdom on earth as it is in
heaven. He does not desire for any to perish but wants everyone to come to
repentance. Our God is kind and good, as well as righteous and judgmental. He
will only tolerate evil for so long, which I am glad. Yet I am also glad and
grateful that He gives mercy now, which I benefit from fully. So praise be to
God, for in Him I will trust.
Jude 1:24-25- To him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you before his
glorious presence without fault and
with great joy— to the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through
Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen.
Michael Houck
Sunday, August 19, 2012
We are blessed to be apart of and active in the lives of so many children. To nieces and nephews (even if they do live in England), to my younger sisters, and to that of our friends' kids who live near us and then to those that we serve at church. Our lives are continuously surrounded by children. And we love it!
We had the privilege to go to Galveston yesterday with my best friend/roommate from college, Leigh Anne and her husband Ryan. We were able to spend the day with them at the beach and at the pool along with their 3 boys ages 4, 2, and 6 months. Another couple was there who also have a 6 month old. If you know me, you know I love kids! Always have and always will and I believe that this is how God created me. It is slowly becoming true for Michael as well. Don't get me wrong. He doesn't hate kids or not like them, but his experiences with them have not been in abundance like mine and therefore he is learning more and more about them as well as learning how to interact with them. It is a really cool process to see and to be apart of.
We started our journey of marriage with just trusting in God. We decided not to use any form of birth control and just go with whatever happens. Each month it's been fun yet challenging to see if we are pregnant or not and so for it's been the latter. I say challenging because I have always wanted children! Always! I want to experience the gift of pregnancy, I want to experience the gift of birthing, and I want to experience the gift of child-bearing. I also want to experience the gift of parenting. Some who might read this will be thinking I am totally insane and others may be able to embrace those same feelings and yet some may feel indifferent.
On our way home we got into a conversation about children. We talked about how good the boys were that we had just spent time with and discussed how different our lives were. Leigh Anne and Ryan now have 3 boys to care for each and every day and what a blessing that is. However, it is not always easy. As the day was wrapping up the boys were getting tired, cranky, and just needed to go to sleep. Not only did they have to deal with packing up all the stuff they brought (which Leigh said she felt like they brought the whole house), but also the boys that were crying, fighting, and just plain being cranky.
I sort of had a revelation on our way home. Although I have my ups and downs each month when I realize I am not pregnant and that it feels like everyone and their brother are pregnant around me (that's a bit of sarcasm by the way), I am thankful for where I am. I believe that because Michael and I both stayed pure before marriage and that we saved ourselves for one another, God is blessing us with time for each other now.
I believe that God is allowing us time to enjoy one another. That He is giving us time to work out things in our marriage and to learn how to love one another deeply and to put each other as our number 2. I believe He is giving us time to learn how to love one another as He has called us to love. He is giving us time to travel and experience His creation. He is giving us time to spend with family. He is giving us time to learn how to be selfless. He is giving us time to learn how to better raise the children He will give us. He is giving us time to spend in Austin and experience politics at their best. He is giving us this season in preparation for children. Not that we couldn't do all those things with children. I am totally confident that those around us with children do this just as well. God is preparing us for children right now.
Each night in our prayer life, we lift up our children and ask God to bless us with them, to guide us as their parents, and for their future salvation. We want children and we trust that God will bless us with them in the future, but for now we need to be satisfied. I still struggle and sometimes get discouraged and question what is wrong with me, but I know that my hope comes from the Lord and I need to trust Him.
I will leave you with a funny story from yesterday. Michael and I were on the beach playing with the boys along with Leigh Anne and Ryan. Michael was squatting, building a sand castle and I tried to push him over with my foot. He in turn tackled me down on the ground in the sand. He finally let me up and I began to chase him into the ocean. Their oldest boy said, "Daddy, what are they doing?" And Ryan's response was, "Son, they are playing. That's what married people do when they don't have kids!"
Father, help me to be satisfied in You and in the things that I have. Help me not to want what others have and help me not to sulk in what I don't have. Teach me to be grateful for all You have given me. Teach me how to love my husband as Christ loves the church. Teach me your ways, O Lord. Amen.
We had the privilege to go to Galveston yesterday with my best friend/roommate from college, Leigh Anne and her husband Ryan. We were able to spend the day with them at the beach and at the pool along with their 3 boys ages 4, 2, and 6 months. Another couple was there who also have a 6 month old. If you know me, you know I love kids! Always have and always will and I believe that this is how God created me. It is slowly becoming true for Michael as well. Don't get me wrong. He doesn't hate kids or not like them, but his experiences with them have not been in abundance like mine and therefore he is learning more and more about them as well as learning how to interact with them. It is a really cool process to see and to be apart of.
We started our journey of marriage with just trusting in God. We decided not to use any form of birth control and just go with whatever happens. Each month it's been fun yet challenging to see if we are pregnant or not and so for it's been the latter. I say challenging because I have always wanted children! Always! I want to experience the gift of pregnancy, I want to experience the gift of birthing, and I want to experience the gift of child-bearing. I also want to experience the gift of parenting. Some who might read this will be thinking I am totally insane and others may be able to embrace those same feelings and yet some may feel indifferent.
On our way home we got into a conversation about children. We talked about how good the boys were that we had just spent time with and discussed how different our lives were. Leigh Anne and Ryan now have 3 boys to care for each and every day and what a blessing that is. However, it is not always easy. As the day was wrapping up the boys were getting tired, cranky, and just needed to go to sleep. Not only did they have to deal with packing up all the stuff they brought (which Leigh said she felt like they brought the whole house), but also the boys that were crying, fighting, and just plain being cranky.
I sort of had a revelation on our way home. Although I have my ups and downs each month when I realize I am not pregnant and that it feels like everyone and their brother are pregnant around me (that's a bit of sarcasm by the way), I am thankful for where I am. I believe that because Michael and I both stayed pure before marriage and that we saved ourselves for one another, God is blessing us with time for each other now.
I believe that God is allowing us time to enjoy one another. That He is giving us time to work out things in our marriage and to learn how to love one another deeply and to put each other as our number 2. I believe He is giving us time to learn how to love one another as He has called us to love. He is giving us time to travel and experience His creation. He is giving us time to spend with family. He is giving us time to learn how to be selfless. He is giving us time to learn how to better raise the children He will give us. He is giving us time to spend in Austin and experience politics at their best. He is giving us this season in preparation for children. Not that we couldn't do all those things with children. I am totally confident that those around us with children do this just as well. God is preparing us for children right now.
Each night in our prayer life, we lift up our children and ask God to bless us with them, to guide us as their parents, and for their future salvation. We want children and we trust that God will bless us with them in the future, but for now we need to be satisfied. I still struggle and sometimes get discouraged and question what is wrong with me, but I know that my hope comes from the Lord and I need to trust Him.
I will leave you with a funny story from yesterday. Michael and I were on the beach playing with the boys along with Leigh Anne and Ryan. Michael was squatting, building a sand castle and I tried to push him over with my foot. He in turn tackled me down on the ground in the sand. He finally let me up and I began to chase him into the ocean. Their oldest boy said, "Daddy, what are they doing?" And Ryan's response was, "Son, they are playing. That's what married people do when they don't have kids!"
Father, help me to be satisfied in You and in the things that I have. Help me not to want what others have and help me not to sulk in what I don't have. Teach me to be grateful for all You have given me. Teach me how to love my husband as Christ loves the church. Teach me your ways, O Lord. Amen.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
I have made it to Joshua! I am so excited to be truckin' on through the Old Testament. It's been quite a journey and I am realizing why God has me in the Old Testament. The Israelites needed to fully trust in God in order to conquer the promised land. This resonates with what God is teaching Michael and I and what He has been teaching us since our marriage began.
The Israelites finally get to enter the promised land! YAHOO! I am sure they were doing some major rejoicing as I would if I had lived in the dessert for 39 years. Joshua sent out a some secret spies to see check out the land. He wanted to see what they were going to be up against. When he sent those spies, there was a prostitute near the city gate named Rahab who allowed the men to stay with her. She even hid them on her roof so that the officials in the town would not be able to find them. She risked her life for these two men whom she did not know. Here is her story.
Joshua 2: 1-24 "Then Joshua son of Nun secretly sent two spies from Shittim. 'Go, look over the land,' he said, 'especially Jericho.' So they went and entered the house of a prostitute named Rahab and stayed there.
The Israelites finally get to enter the promised land! YAHOO! I am sure they were doing some major rejoicing as I would if I had lived in the dessert for 39 years. Joshua sent out a some secret spies to see check out the land. He wanted to see what they were going to be up against. When he sent those spies, there was a prostitute near the city gate named Rahab who allowed the men to stay with her. She even hid them on her roof so that the officials in the town would not be able to find them. She risked her life for these two men whom she did not know. Here is her story.
Joshua 2: 1-24 "Then Joshua son of Nun secretly sent two spies from Shittim. 'Go, look over the land,' he said, 'especially Jericho.' So they went and entered the house of a prostitute named Rahab and stayed there.
The king of Jericho was told, 'Look, some of the Israelites have come here tonight to spy out the land.' So the king of Jericho sent this message to Rahab: 'Bring out the men who came to you and entered your house, because they have come to spy out the whole land.' But the woman had taken the two men and hidden them. She said, 'Yes, the men came to me, but I did not know where they had come from. At dusk, when it was time to close the city gate, they left. I don’t know which way they went. Go after them quickly. You may catch up with them.' (But she had taken them up to the roof and hidden them under the stalks of flax she had laid out on the roof.) So the men set out in pursuit of the spies on the road that leads to the fords of the Jordan, and as soon as the pursuers had gone out, the gate was shut. Before the spies lay down for the night, she went up on the roof and said to them, 'I know that the Lord has given you this land and that a great fear of you has fallen on us, so that all who live in this country are melting in fear because of you. We have heard how the Lord dried up the water of the Red Sea for you when you came out of Egypt, and what you did to Sihon and Og, the two kings of the Amorites east of the Jordan, whom you completely destroyed. When we heard of it, our hearts melted in fear and everyone’s courage failed because of you, for the Lord your God is God in heaven above and on the earth below. 'Now then, please swear to me by the Lord that you will show kindness to my family, because I have shown kindness to you. Give me a sure sign that you will spare the lives of my father and mother, my brothers and sisters, and all who belong to them —and that you will save us from death.' 'Our lives for your lives!' the men assured her. 'If you don’t tell what we are doing, we will treat you kindly and faithfully when the Lord gives us the land.' So she let them down by a rope through the window, for the house she lived in was part of the city wall. She said to them, 'Go to the hills so the pursuers will not find you. Hide yourselves there three days until they return, and then go on your way.' Now the men had said to her, 'This oath you made us swear will not be binding on us unless, when we enter the land, you have tied this scarlet cord in the window through which you let us down, and unless you have brought your father and mother, your brothers and all your family into your house. If any of them go outside your house into the street, their blood will be on their own heads;we will not be responsible. As for those who are in the house with you, their blood will be on our head if a hand is laid on them. But if you tell what we are doing, we will be released from the oath you made us swear.' 'Agreed,' she replied. 'Let it be as you say.' So she sent them away, and they departed. And she tied the scarlet cord in the window. When they left, they went into the hills and stayed there three days, until the pursuers had searched all along the road and returned without finding them. Then the two men started back. They went down out of the hills, forded the river and came to Joshua son of Nun and told him everything that had happened to them. They said to Joshua, 'The Lord has surely given the whole land into our hands; all the people are melting in fear because of us.'"
I think that Rahab was a woman of pretty incredible faith. I mean she didn't even know God personally at this point and yet she is willing to hide these spies in her house and risk death by her own people?! Incredible!
Are we willing to step out in great faith like this young woman? She was even a prostitute in the city...a known sinner. Why did God use her? I believe He uses people like Rahab all the time. People who have sinner and they choose to accept it, repent from their sins, and ultimately trust the Lord.
Lord, help me to be a woman of character like Rahab. I want to have faith like she did that she would risk her life for these men whom she didn't know and whom loved a God that wasn't like the ones she was used to serving. Help me to have faith. Amen.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Tonight I found myself having a very bad aversion to cooking and food. I tried to make some almond flour tortilla's and that didn't work out so well. My husband was so kind and made it like a sandwich instead and dinner was still great. After dinner, I was browsing Pinterest and found this recipe from The Urban Poser on Snickerdoodles! They turned out pretty good! I do think when I make them again I will add some coconut palm sugar to the cookie batter though...they weren't sweet enough for me.
2 cups almond flour
a scant less than a ¼ tsp. salt
¼ tsp. baking soda
¼ cup coconut oil
¼ cup honey (and this is where I would want it sweeter so I add an extra ¼ cup of raw cane sugar or coconut palm sugar)
1 tbsp. vanilla extract
Cinnamon coating:
3-4 tbsp. coconut palm sugar
3-4 tbsp. cinnamon
1. Preheat oven to 350°
2. In a medium sized bowl, combine dry ingredients; mix together well. In a separate bowl, mix together the oil, honey and vanilla. Add the liquid ingredients to the almond flour mixture and mix till combined.
3. Combine the coconut palm sugar and the ground cinnamon in a small bowl.
4. Using a rounded tablespoon, scoop out the dough, then gently form into a ball. Roll in, or sprinkle all sides with, the cinnamon mixture. Place the balls of cookie dough on baking sheet, about 3 inches apart.
5. Using the palm of your hand, slightly flatten each cookie.
6. Bake in the oven for 8-9 minutes. Leave cookies on the cookie sheet while cooling. They may seem under-baked at first, but they will firm up to just the right texture as they cool.
2 cups almond flour
a scant less than a ¼ tsp. salt
¼ tsp. baking soda
¼ cup coconut oil
¼ cup honey (and this is where I would want it sweeter so I add an extra ¼ cup of raw cane sugar or coconut palm sugar)
1 tbsp. vanilla extract
Cinnamon coating:
3-4 tbsp. coconut palm sugar
3-4 tbsp. cinnamon
1. Preheat oven to 350°
2. In a medium sized bowl, combine dry ingredients; mix together well. In a separate bowl, mix together the oil, honey and vanilla. Add the liquid ingredients to the almond flour mixture and mix till combined.
3. Combine the coconut palm sugar and the ground cinnamon in a small bowl.
4. Using a rounded tablespoon, scoop out the dough, then gently form into a ball. Roll in, or sprinkle all sides with, the cinnamon mixture. Place the balls of cookie dough on baking sheet, about 3 inches apart.
5. Using the palm of your hand, slightly flatten each cookie.
6. Bake in the oven for 8-9 minutes. Leave cookies on the cookie sheet while cooling. They may seem under-baked at first, but they will firm up to just the right texture as they cool.
Sunday, August 12, 2012
The Heart
My dear friends mom recently had open heart surgery. All was well until this week when her heart rate soared and they had to take her to the ER in which they admitted her and got her heart rate stabilized and then took her downtown so that her doctor could actually see her. We are praying that she is well and healed of what is going on by tomorrow so that they don't have to reopen her and drain the fluid from her heart. Please join me in praying for Sandy.
As I reflect on this and try to grasp my tiny brain around what is going on with all of this, I want to stop and think about our hearts.
Jeb Kolby was the guest speaker at church this morning and he did a phenomenal job! He is doing a 2 part series on sharing Christ in the marketplace. You can listen to it here. He wanted to give some practical ways to do this in the marketplace. However, as he was preparing for this, God clearly showed him that if our hearts weren't right then the practical ways wouldn't matter.
He took us to Genesis 50 where we have the story about Joseph, the son of Jacob (Israel) who was betrayed by his brothers and sold into slavery. He then worked as a slave under Pharaoh in Egypt and because God was with him (or his heart was right with God) Pharaoh showed him favor and he became the number 2 man in all of Egypt. Pharaoh's wife tried to seduce Joseph and Joseph wasn't going to stand for that, he was wrongly accused and therefore sent to prison. But get this...even in PRISON, God was with Joseph! He was able to interpret dreams and the story goes on to show the he did some pretty cool things because God was with him.
Let's stop right here. This story is pretty incredible. I think what Jeb was trying to say was that Joseph's heart was in the right place. He was put in some pretty crappy conditions: rejected by family, sold into slavery, wrongly accused, thrown into prison and I could go on. The crazy thing is that even through all of this trash talking, mud slinging filth from anyone and everyone JOSEPH STILL PURSUED GOD and he did so with the RIGHT HEART.
You and I are far from perfect and so was Joseph! But if we truly examine our hearts...and I mean truly examine our hearts. Look deep down and do some soul searching. Ask yourself these question: Why do I do the things I do and who do I do them for? If our answer is not Jesus and Jesus...then our heart ain't right! It is such a challenge in today's society to stand for truth and not to give into our flesh. So many times I want to call people out on their hypocrisy or to tell them how wrong they are. That is what my flesh wants and Satan would LOVE that! I do it...I mess up. I get angry and say things I shouldn't or make commitments that I don't always follow through with or hurt the ones I love the most.
The key for me is that my Daddy God is Heaven is looking down on me and says, "Sweetheart, I died on the cross for your sins and just confess them to me, make it right with those around you, and here is My grace! My love! My truth! Relish in it! Forget about it and move on!" One day when I am standing before the gates of Heaven and my Father is looking at me, I want Him to say, "Well done my good and faithful servant! Welcome Home" will be the happiest moment in my life.
I encourage us all to do a heart check. Where are our hearts?
Lord, You know all that is going on in mine and You see my hurt. I pray for healing and restoration. Father, continue to show me where my heart needs to be changed and where I need to lay down my sinful nature. Teach me Your ways so that I might not sin against You! Amen.
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Blueberry Bars
Last night, Michael took me on a much needed (he and I) date night! We went to Goose's Acre on the Waterway. This is where we first started dating almost 2 years ago and we haven't been back there, just the two of us anyways. So it was quite nice, however we encountered some troubles. We are fasting for the month of August. We decided to just stick with whole foods with things being as minimally processed as possible. That is such a struggle when you go out to eat. Generally we have to eat salads and use olive oil as dressing. We managed just fine, but we were both wanting a treat or dessert afterwards. I haven't made a new dessert in awhile so I decided to find one today! Here is my go although I changed the recipe a tad. I borrowed this from Lori and her post for Paleo Blackberry Bars.
Blueberry Bars
1 ½ cups almond flour
1 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. baking powder
½ tsp. baking soda
½ tsp. salt
¼ cup coconut sugar (or honey, maple syrup, agave; whatever you'd like)
2 bananas (about 1 cup)
2 eggs
2 tbsp coconut oil, melted (or olive oil)
1 tsp. vanilla extract
½-1 cup almond milk
1 cup blueberries, fresh or frozen (or your choice of berry)
Blueberry Bars
1 ½ cups almond flour
1 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. baking powder
½ tsp. baking soda
½ tsp. salt
¼ cup coconut sugar (or honey, maple syrup, agave; whatever you'd like)
2 bananas (about 1 cup)
2 eggs
2 tbsp coconut oil, melted (or olive oil)
1 tsp. vanilla extract
½-1 cup almond milk
1 cup blueberries, fresh or frozen (or your choice of berry)
1) Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease an 13×9 baking pan and set aside. (Or you can use an 8×8
2) In a large bowl, mix together the coconut flour, shredded coconut, cinnamon, baking powder and soda, and salt. Add in the NuNaturals Baking Blend or sugar sub, if using, mixing again.
3) In the same bowl, add in the bananas, eggs, melted coconut oil, vanilla extract, and 1/4 cup almond milk. Mix until all ingredients are incorporated, adding in more almond milk, as needed for mixing. Amount of almond milk varies as the almond flour soaks up the liquids. Add in enough almond milk so the batter is the consistency of cookie batter (but might be slightly drier).
4) Fold in the blueberries and spoon the batter into the greased pan. Bake for 40 minutes or until the sides are golden.
5) Remove from oven and cool. Cut into about 16 squares.
Mine actually came out a little more moist than I would have liked them and really banana flavored. Next time, I might try adding in 1 less banana and use more almond flour.
Friday, August 10, 2012
Biscuits and Gravy
Michael was probably more excited about trying this recipe than I was to actually make it. Don't get me wrong, I thoroughly enjoy making new recipes. However, I had already ruined one batch because I didn't follow the directions. So I was a little anxious about this. Let me tell ya...another amazing recipe that I will be making again!
Biscuit Ingredients: (updated biscuit recipe from Elana's Pantry)
2 ½ cups blanched almond flour, plus about 1 cup for dusting the dough
½ teaspoon celtic sea salt
½ teaspoon baking soda
¼ cup ghee
2 eggs
1 tablespoon agave nectar.
Instructions for biscuits:
While those were baking, I worked on the gravy mixture.
Gravy Ingredients:
1 pound of ground pork or turkey sausage
1 tbs. almond flour
1 tbs. of arrowroot powder
1 can of coconut milk
2 tsp. sage (I didn't have any and so I didn't use this)
1 tsp. paprika
½ cup chicken stock (if needed...and I didn't need it)
Instructions for gravy:
1. Sauté sausage in a large skillet until completely cooked. Remove sausage from pan, saving about 2 tablespoons of the drippings from the sausage. Keep these drippings in the pan.
2. Add the almond flour and arrowroot powder to the skillet, and whisk with the sausage fat over medium-low heat, until paste is formed, working to scrape up some of the sausage drippings.
3. Pour in about ¼ of the coconut milk, the sage, and the paprika at this point and bring to medium heat, stirring often and scraping up the browned sausage bits.
4. Add remaining coconut milk, stirring as you go, and bring to light simmer. Add sausage back in and simmer until the gravy reaches desired thickness.
5. If the gravy becomes too thick you can thin it out with some of the chicken stock.
6. Pour over the biscuits and serve!
Biscuit Ingredients: (updated biscuit recipe from Elana's Pantry)
2 ½ cups blanched almond flour, plus about 1 cup for dusting the dough
½ teaspoon celtic sea salt
½ teaspoon baking soda
¼ cup ghee
2 eggs
1 tablespoon agave nectar.
Instructions for biscuits:
- In a medium bowl, combine almond flour, salt and baking soda.
- In a large bowl, blend together buttery spread, eggs and agave.
- Stir the dry ingredients into the wet until a nice dough forms.
- Roll out dough between 2 pieces of parchment paper
to 1 ½ inches thick.
- Dust dough with extra almond flour if it is sticky and/or misbehaving.
- Cut the dough into biscuits using a mason jar with a 3-inch wide mouth.
- Using a spatula, transfer biscuits to a parchment lined baking sheet.
- Bake at 350° for 15 minutes, until biscuits are browned on the bottom edges.
- Serve with gravy, jelly or whatever else your heart desires.
While those were baking, I worked on the gravy mixture.
Gravy Ingredients:
1 pound of ground pork or turkey sausage
1 tbs. almond flour
1 tbs. of arrowroot powder
1 can of coconut milk
2 tsp. sage (I didn't have any and so I didn't use this)
1 tsp. paprika
½ cup chicken stock (if needed...and I didn't need it)
Instructions for gravy:
1. Sauté sausage in a large skillet until completely cooked. Remove sausage from pan, saving about 2 tablespoons of the drippings from the sausage. Keep these drippings in the pan.
2. Add the almond flour and arrowroot powder to the skillet, and whisk with the sausage fat over medium-low heat, until paste is formed, working to scrape up some of the sausage drippings.
3. Pour in about ¼ of the coconut milk, the sage, and the paprika at this point and bring to medium heat, stirring often and scraping up the browned sausage bits.
4. Add remaining coconut milk, stirring as you go, and bring to light simmer. Add sausage back in and simmer until the gravy reaches desired thickness.
5. If the gravy becomes too thick you can thin it out with some of the chicken stock.
6. Pour over the biscuits and serve!
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This is what the dough looks like before the egg whites go in. |
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Frothy egg whites |
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This is what it looks like in the muffin tin. |
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This is what they look like on a cookie sheet. |
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Here is the finished biscuit. |
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And an up-close version of the finished biscuit. |
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The gravy without the sausage. |
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The gravy with the sausage. |
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Biscuits and Gravy in a bowl per my husbands request! DELICIOUS! |
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Today has been another tough one for me. I felt a little thrown under the bus by a dear friend of ours and I just had a heavy spirit about the situation. I didn't know what to do about it, but felt like I needed to not let it fester. I sent an email explaining how I felt. A few hours later I received a phone call from him and he asked to meet. I was SCARED to death! It was one thing to share my feelings with him from the comfort of my home and through the ease of the internet, but to meet with him face to face was another thing.
We met up, discussed the issue, and all is well. Albeit, it was a hard conversation for me to have, I did it and I give God all the glory. I have such a pride issue about crying in front of people. I just don't like it and I think its because when I cry I feel insecure, out of control, and like I am any other woman being run over by their emotions. The crazy thing is I just need to accept it. I am sure that this, too, is part of the brokenness I am going through.
In our conversation, he said to me, "You've been burned, haven't you?" I didn't quite understand what he meant and so he clarified by saying, "People have really burned you in the past." "Yes, yes they have. And especially men!" was my response. He gently and politely told me that I needed to deal with it and realize that I could trust him. That was hard for me to hear as I think we all don't like being called on our junk. This man is one whom I greatly respect as a father figure in my life. He is a man of great integrity and who passionately seeks the Lord. He also kisses me on the cheek and gives me a big hug almost every time we meet. I can trust him.
Although it wasn't easy and I didn't like all the aspects of the conversation, I realized that I needed to have that hard conversation and I have some work to do. Trust isn't always easy, but what I am learning is that I can't base my future relationships on my past relationships. I need to begin to retrain myself. So this is something that will be on the prayer list and I have asked my husband to pray for me about this also.
Another hard part to my day was that my husband called me on being defensive. I had this grand plan to make and blog about biscuits and gravy (Paleo style of course) and Michael was just as excited to try them with me. I took a picture of the recipe on my phone and so I didn't have it in front of me and I ruined it. I was supposed to whisk the egg whites and I didn't. I was angry with myself because I had ruined breakfast and it was at a very expensive cost. Eating Paleo is not cheap and I try to buy all natural and organic stuff as much as I can.
Michael suggested that I just turn the mixture into a pancake mix and it would be great. In my frustration, I jumped on him and very loudly replied, "It just won't work!" He asked me why it wouldn't work and I didn't have an answer to why it wouldn't work and so I said, "It just won't!" He called me on being defensive. After I had a cool down moment, I realized he was right and I was being very defensive. He called me on it later. I asked him to please be in prayer about this for me because he has called me on this several times in the last week. Although my plan for biscuits and gravy didn't work out we did enjoy pancakes and they were great. I think I can also tie this into trusting my husband to love me enough to try and help me fix the problem instead of being so quick to lash out at him.
This may be a long post, but I wanted to touch on a few more things. Michael is such a great husband that I couldn't have asked for anything better. Here is his latest note for me:
Last night we pulled out a card that said "unsaved people of the world" and "Megan and Avery Davis". I chuckled because Megan asked me to be her guest blog today because they are vacation in Fredericksburg. Here is a link to Megan's blog. It was such a privilege to pray for them and the unsaved people. I am excited to see what God does and how He moves.
Teach me, Lord, to recognize my faults and give them to You so that I can move forward in life. I want to learn what I can about what I need to fix about me so that You O'Lord can be glorified. Amen.
We met up, discussed the issue, and all is well. Albeit, it was a hard conversation for me to have, I did it and I give God all the glory. I have such a pride issue about crying in front of people. I just don't like it and I think its because when I cry I feel insecure, out of control, and like I am any other woman being run over by their emotions. The crazy thing is I just need to accept it. I am sure that this, too, is part of the brokenness I am going through.
In our conversation, he said to me, "You've been burned, haven't you?" I didn't quite understand what he meant and so he clarified by saying, "People have really burned you in the past." "Yes, yes they have. And especially men!" was my response. He gently and politely told me that I needed to deal with it and realize that I could trust him. That was hard for me to hear as I think we all don't like being called on our junk. This man is one whom I greatly respect as a father figure in my life. He is a man of great integrity and who passionately seeks the Lord. He also kisses me on the cheek and gives me a big hug almost every time we meet. I can trust him.
Although it wasn't easy and I didn't like all the aspects of the conversation, I realized that I needed to have that hard conversation and I have some work to do. Trust isn't always easy, but what I am learning is that I can't base my future relationships on my past relationships. I need to begin to retrain myself. So this is something that will be on the prayer list and I have asked my husband to pray for me about this also.
Another hard part to my day was that my husband called me on being defensive. I had this grand plan to make and blog about biscuits and gravy (Paleo style of course) and Michael was just as excited to try them with me. I took a picture of the recipe on my phone and so I didn't have it in front of me and I ruined it. I was supposed to whisk the egg whites and I didn't. I was angry with myself because I had ruined breakfast and it was at a very expensive cost. Eating Paleo is not cheap and I try to buy all natural and organic stuff as much as I can.
Michael suggested that I just turn the mixture into a pancake mix and it would be great. In my frustration, I jumped on him and very loudly replied, "It just won't work!" He asked me why it wouldn't work and I didn't have an answer to why it wouldn't work and so I said, "It just won't!" He called me on being defensive. After I had a cool down moment, I realized he was right and I was being very defensive. He called me on it later. I asked him to please be in prayer about this for me because he has called me on this several times in the last week. Although my plan for biscuits and gravy didn't work out we did enjoy pancakes and they were great. I think I can also tie this into trusting my husband to love me enough to try and help me fix the problem instead of being so quick to lash out at him.
This may be a long post, but I wanted to touch on a few more things. Michael is such a great husband that I couldn't have asked for anything better. Here is his latest note for me:
I love him and am blessed to to life with him. All I needed to do this morning was read this and be reminded that Michael is going to love me no matter what. Even if I ruin a meal or two. And more than likely, he will probably eat it with a smile on his face :)
I also wanted to share something that we have begun. We are calling it our prayer jar. It's just a large jar that was used at our wedding that I use as decoration on my night stand. Since it was just sitting there I decided to put it to good use. I believe that God laid it on my heart to start doing this. Michael and I have both put names of people, things, countries, or whatever we would like to pray for. Each night we draw out 1 or 2 and we pray for whatever is on the card. Last night was the first night to do it and we had a bit of a funny moment that I won't go into on our blog, but feel free to ask me in person. Maybe I'll tell you! I also believe that when we pray, God answers. So hopefully as we continue adding things and people that we would like to pray for that we would be able to take out some of those cards because of the mighty hand of God moving and answering prayers. How cool would that be? Here is what the jar looks like:
Teach me, Lord, to recognize my faults and give them to You so that I can move forward in life. I want to learn what I can about what I need to fix about me so that You O'Lord can be glorified. Amen.
Monday, August 6, 2012
Over vacation Michael and I stopped at Trader Joe's in DC to fill our hotel room fridge with some healthy snacks. Hummus is generally healthy although for our Paleo diet they contain chickpeas and we don't eat beans. Therefore, I came home and was determined to find an amazing recipe. Welp, I did! In just one shot!
Here is the amazing recipe!
Paleo Hummus
1 ¾ cup Zucchini peeled and cut into smaller pieces (I used about 1 and ½ small ones)
½ cup raw, unsalted Macadamia nuts
2 tbsp Tahini
2 tbsp olive oil
2 ½ tbsp fresh lemon juice
1 or 2 cloves of garlic
1 tsp. sea salt
1 tsp. cumin
dash of cayenne pepper
paprika to garnish
These are optional to add in and I will try later for different flavors: Roasted Red Peppers, Pine Nuts, Artichokes, Sun-Dried Tomato, Black or Kalamata Olives, etc.
1. Put all the ingredients into a food processor (or you can use a blender)
2. Blend until smooth
3. Garnish with paprika and enjoy!
Here is the amazing recipe!
Paleo Hummus
1 ¾ cup Zucchini peeled and cut into smaller pieces (I used about 1 and ½ small ones)
½ cup raw, unsalted Macadamia nuts
2 tbsp Tahini
2 tbsp olive oil
2 ½ tbsp fresh lemon juice
1 or 2 cloves of garlic
1 tsp. sea salt
1 tsp. cumin
dash of cayenne pepper
paprika to garnish
These are optional to add in and I will try later for different flavors: Roasted Red Peppers, Pine Nuts, Artichokes, Sun-Dried Tomato, Black or Kalamata Olives, etc.
1. Put all the ingredients into a food processor (or you can use a blender)
2. Blend until smooth
3. Garnish with paprika and enjoy!
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Apple Chicken
Since being on vacation, I haven't had much time to actually cook. Tonight Michael asked me if I would like to find a new recipe to make for dinner. I jumped on it and found this lovely recipe. I have to say that I was excited about it until I started cooking it. Then I was not going to eat it at all once I started cooking it. However, my lovely husband came into the kitchen and told me how wonderful it smelled and was he was really excited to try it. It was WAY delicious! He even asked me to make it again this week which I will gladly do. I enjoyed it as well. I am going to put it over some cauliflower rice! Enjoy!
Apple Chicken (borrowed from Paleo Plan)
2 (4-6oz) boneless, skinless chicken breasts (or use leftover chicken from another meal)
1/4 tsp sea salt (optional)
1/8 tsp freshly ground black pepper
2 Tbs coconut oil
1 large apple
1/2 tsp cinnamon or allspice
Apple Chicken (borrowed from Paleo Plan)
2 (4-6oz) boneless, skinless chicken breasts (or use leftover chicken from another meal)
1/4 tsp sea salt (optional)
1/8 tsp freshly ground black pepper
2 Tbs coconut oil
1 large apple
1/2 tsp cinnamon or allspice
1. Dice Chicken breasts. Season with sea salt and freshly ground black pepper then set aside.
2. Heat a medium saute pan over medium-high heat. Add coconut oil when hot.
3. Add diced chicken and cook until slightly pink (about 150° F)
4. Grate the apple into the saute pan.
5. Add cinnamon.
6. Continue to cook until the chicken is done and apple is tender.
7. Serve over bed of cauliflower rice.
If you try this, let me know what you think :)
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