On another note, God definitely answers prayers. Michael and I have been praying each night as we go to bed and one prayer constantly is that we would get a good night's rest and that we would wake up on time. We are early risers anyway, but sometimes we like to hit the snooze button and then we don't get our Jesus time in fully like we would like. Last night was no different. And He completely answered our prayers and then some! That's why this blog is early in the morning!
I felt compelled this morning to pray for my good friend/mentor/mother figure/godly woman and I knew that God was calling me awake early so I could spend some time in prayer for her. Love you, Marcina and seriously praying for you!
This morning, as I am moving along in Genesis, we get to the point where Sarah has this baby boy that God has faithfully promised them. She has this baby and then they decide to name him Isaac. Isaac means one who laughs or laughing one. His name probably brought back many memories each time they said it. It probably brought back it the joy of just being parents and seeing God's promise fulfilled or it brought back their encounter with God and him telling them they would have a child. We then go on to find out about Isaac and his lineage. He was a good man, but when he was under pressure he lied, he avoided confrontation, and he played favorites between his two sons. I wonder if because of his parent's lack of faith at times in believing that they would bear a child, that Isaac lacked courage as well? Maybe it's just me, but it is interesting.
Michael asked me what I was blogging about this morning and I told him. He asked me, "So what is your name?" To my reply of, "Brittany!" and he said it again. "No what is your name?" I was unsure of what he was getting at so I restated my name and then I said, "And it means 'from the land of Britain'". (A little sidenote...I usually complain about my name because I say it's silly and it doesn't really mean anything! I like my name, don't get me wrong, but it doesn't have much meaning.) He said it again like this, "What is the name that God gave you?" You see, around Christmas time a guest speaker came to church and talked about names as well as how to listen to God. Michael and I went camping that next weekend and we took some time to just sit and listen to God. We asked God what our names were from Him. Pretty cool, I might add! It gives me goosebumps to just write this! My first name was DAUGHTER. Next came WIFE and finally MOTHER. I know that God loves me so much that He first called me to be His daughter. Now, I am the wife to Michael and eventually I will be the mother to our children. It sounds weird to some, I am sure, but I have NO DOUBT that God called me these names in these particular order for His purpose and His glory.
So, what's in a name? I think so much is in a name and you might not even know it. Why don't you ask God what name He has given you and just be still and listen!
Papa, thank you for my name that you have given me. I know that I am wonderfully made and that You knit me together. That you number the hairs on my head and You have numbered my days. Thank you for calling me Your own and for showing me Your love day in and day out, even when I don't deserve it. You are a gracious and loving God and I am eternally grateful.
P.S. I found this online :)
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