Monday, May 7, 2012


In doing my study on women of the Bible, I sort of got lost in the book of Genesis.  What I mean by this is that I enjoyed reading it so very much that I just kept going.  Now I have begun the book of Exodus and I am very excited to be reading about their journey out of Egypt.  So far I have read to chapter 4 and the most interesting thing that I have found is that Moses didn't want the job that God was calling him to do.  He didn't want to lead the people out of Egypt and he kept coming up with seriously lame excuses not obey God.  How crazy is that? He is speaking directly with his creator and yet he is unwilling to obey him?  How much more should we obey God!

The second thing that really sticks out to me and is interesting because I haven't ever read over this part or at the least paid attention to it.  They are on their way to Egypt after God had given Moses the directive to go lead His people out of Egypt and in Exodus 4: 24-26 it says, "At a lodging place on the way, the Lord met Moses and was about to hill him.  But Zipporah (his wife) took a flint knife, cut off her son't foreskin and touched Moses's feet with it.  'Surely you are a bridegroom of blood to me,' she said.  So the Lord let him alone."  Michael took me to work this morning because my car is in the shop till tomorrow and we read this together on the way to work.  We were both puzzled by this statement.  Doesn't it seem weird?  There is nothing that gives any background knowledge of why God was about to kill Moses and just after he has spoken to him in the burning bush.  Here is what I found out.  God was going to kill Moses because he had not circumcised his son.  What we have to remember is that Moses had spent half of his life with Pharaoh in the palace and half of his life in the Midianite desert.  He didn't know the laws of the God, especially the requirements of God's covenant.  Zipporah may have been opposed to the circumcision because of her Midianite background.  Either way, Moses could not effectively serve as the deliverer of God's people until he had fulfilled the conditions of God's covenant.  God wasn't going to allow them to go any further until they obeyed.  Moses and his family had to obey God's commands completely.  Do you find this little excerpt as interesting as I do?

Moses had to obey God's commands in full!  100%  Wait, what?  Yeah, that's right.  100%  We are no different than Moses.  We must obey God and his commands in the same manor.  The only way we are going to know those commands is to be in His word daily!  Will you join me?

Father, I pray that the commands that I know and learn as I study Your word, that I may keep them to the fullest.  Forgive me where I falter and the areas in which I lack.  Teach me to to walk in Your ways so that I might not sin against you.  I can't do it without you, oh God!

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