Thursday, September 6, 2012

Traveling Journal

I have about one month to come up with what I am going to do for my husband for our first anniversary.  I have so many ideas in my head and I may end up doing all of them or I may just do a few.  Who knows!  I will get back with you AFTER our anniversary!

So I was chatting with my friend Megan Davis and she gave me a spectacular idea!  I thought it was so clever that I wanted to share it with you all.  I can't take credit for it, although I wish I could.

K, so here is what it is and how it works.  You get a journal and then write in it.  So for example I would write a love letter to my husband or something funny or whatever I wanted to write to him.  Then I would go hide it.  Somewhere a little challenging, but somewhere he would be able to find it.

The next step is just as simple!  When he finds it, he writes me a note and then hides it for me!

See, simple!

Often times we make life so very difficult, but in reality it's just that; simple.

I believe God is a simple God too.  He can be complex in that we don't understand him, but simple in that He loves us, desires us, and cherishes us.  We make Him more complex.

Today, I pray that we would make life simple.  Find something like this or use this idea.  Then go and do it.


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