Thursday, June 21, 2012


Since I finished with Exodus I decided to move onto Leviticus.  I can honestly say that I have never read this book in its entirety, but I am taking that plunge now.  I can also say that it isn't the most interesting book either because it is all about what the Israelites can and can't do and if they sin, how they are supposed to repent from their sin.  I am only in chapter 5 of this book and I am really glad that I am not still living under these conditions and that I don't have to kill something just to be forgiven for it.  Thank goodness that Jesus came to be the ultimate Lamb of sacrifice so that we don't have to go through the rituals of burnt offerings.

However, that doesn't mean I am off the hook.  I still have to repent of my sins and take my wrongs to God. Then He will forgive me and wash it away!  When the Israelites came before God they had to come to Him in humility, knowing that they had sinned and that God was the only one who could rescue them.  If they didn't approach the altar like that God would know and wouldn't accept their sacrifice.

Psalm 51:16-17 says, "You do not delight in sacrifice, or I would bring it; You do not take pleasure in burnt offerings.  The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise."  God wants us to come to the alter with a broken and contrite heart. says that contrite is "filled with a sense of guilt and the desire for atonement; penitent."  I don't know about you, but I am not sure that I always get what that looks like!

Abba, my prayer is that You will teach me how to come to Your throne with a broken and contrite heart.  That when I enter into Your presence You will know that I am sincere in bringing my sins to You and that You will wash me clean.  I pray that anyone reading this would know You and seek You!  That they would recognize their sins and also come to Your throne asking for forgiveness.  Thanks for sending Your Son as the ultimate sacrifice and forgiving me before I was even born.  Walk with me today.  Amen


  1. That was a beautiful entry Britt! We were not raised in much of a christian upbringing in our home with mom and dad, but they did teach me to believe in God and what he did for us, and now that I am a grown up with a family of my own I am teaching my girls and learning myself about our Father. We have been attending our church now for the past 5 years and studying with the girls as often as is humanly possible. The girls help me to learn as well which I am so thankful for! I just wanted to say thank you for your words. It has given me another affirmation that our learning is never done and that we must continue to live in the way that God would want us to live and to never stop learning or become complacent in our Christianity! Love you guys. I hope one of these days I will get to meet that new hubby of yours and also meet your future children and Tabs babies as well. The girls want to meet you and them as well! We watch for your posts on FB all the time! Love you!!

  2. Jess! I am so sorry that I am just now replying to you. We were out of town this weekend and then I came home and cleaned house, did laundry, went grocery shopping, and was lazy yesterday. So glad to hear about you and your family really seeking Him and how you are growing. We grew up Catholics and there is nothing wrong with that, but I needed more. I desired MORE! When we moved down to Texas I accepted Christ and started learning and walking out what that meant. I have been so blessed by all that Christ has done for me and I very much enjoy blogging about our lifestyle choices as well as what God is teaching us. I am so proud of you and getting involved with church and teaching your girls about our Father as well. They will most definitely thank you later for the way you raised them. My husband had two very loving parents who raised him in such a God fearing home and I want to raise our children (when we have them) in a similar manner. You are definitely right that we are always learning. It is sort of my life motto. When we stop learning, it's because we think we know it all. To say that is like a slap in the face to God. So glad that you are learning and that this blog is encouraging you and your family. I want these words to glorify God just like I want my life to. I would love for you to meet my amazing husband one day and I would love to see those girls!! I am sure Michael would enjoy it! I wish we would have made a date to come see you while we were in Indiana! We will try and catch up the next time we are in town :) Love you Jess! Give the girls a big kiss and hug for us!
