Saturday, March 17, 2012

Walking for Steve

This morning Michael and I went out block walking for Steve Toth who is running for House District 15.  It was a beautiful morning to go out walking and Katie, Steve's daughter, joined us as well.  Katie and I stopped at several houses and were always greeted with warm smiles and encouraging words.  Most folks were actually willing to talk and then listen to what we had to say!  I was blown away at the genuinness of the people.  We stopped at this older gentleman's house who had been a pastor for 64 years, married for 60 years, and had just turned 80 years old!  Incredible!  Katie turned to me and said, "Can you imagine being married to someone for that long?"  I don't think I actually gave her a response, but YES!  I can imagine being married to someone for that long.  I know that we will go through struggles and hard times, but at the same time I had so much respect for this gentleman for staying married.  I want to look back over our years and have young people, like us, look back and say what I was saying about this man. 

This morning also reminds me of a dream I have of becoming a counselor.  And maybe it won't come true....maybe God has a different plan.  BUT, I have realized over the last few years of my life that we all have problems, issues, or struggles in life and therefore they want to talk about them.  They want someone to listen to them.  They want to be able to be heard and voice their feelings.  I want to be the one to listen to people.  I enjoy hearing their stories and then in turn praying for them. 

On Monday, Michael and I went to the rodeo with some friends and on the way home we took the light rail.  There was a lady on the light rail that we sat next to and we were able to just hear her story.  She was very open to telling us and we could hear her heart for her family whom she had been separated from for a long time.  It seems as though she just needed to have someone listen to her.  We got the chance to pray for her as well and that was cool.

Thank you Jesus for all the wonderful opportunities to share Your love with others this week.  I am blessed!


  1. I was actually mentioning that comment to Kristin tonight. It was one of those moments when the thought flies out of your mouth before you've had a chance to think about the audience. I said it and then thought "oh yea, she's married. This probably is not so crazy a thought to her." but I like what you said here.... Fully embracing it and totally excited. That's a very good place to be

    1. You're a funny one! It's totally cool! Glad I have friends like you who make me think and keep me on my toes! Yes, I think it's a great place to be! Glad I have a friend who is reading my blog!
