Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter Weekend

Being at home sick, isn't the most fun of times, but I do enjoy the relaxation part.  When I am sick, my body makes me sleep for more hours than I usually want or do on a normal basis.  I started feeling sick on Friday and it has gotten worse each day.  I think taking a day off to feel better will be good.  So I thought I would kill some time and blog about the past few days.

Friday was a day off and I was so excited to sleep in till 6:00 instead of my usual 4:00.  Michael went to work and I went for a run.  As I was running, I was also praying which is kind of hard.  Jones State Forest is right next to where we live and we often like to go running there.  I stopped at the end of the road before I ran into the forest part and I watched this butterfly.  It made me think about God and His creation.  He created this beautiful butterfly and made it so intricately.  I also thought about how He loves His creation and the beauty that it brings Him.  So how much more does God revel in us?  Immeasurably more!!  I am so glad that God loves us and that He gave the ultimate sacrifice.  As I continued running, the butterfly followed me.  There was also an annoying bug that kept buzzing in my ear.  It again made me think how many times I am sure I do annoying things to others and to God.  How powerful God's creation can truly be when we stop and take time to listen to it.

Saturday was such a blast!  We ran the Run for Hope 5k starting at Market Street at 7:30 a.m.  My goal was to run it the entire time and I am proud to say that I reached my goal!!  WOO HOO!  I had asked Michael to run with me the whole time because he and I usually run/workout together, but my good friend Katie ran at the same pace as myself so I told Michael he could run on.  What an incredible time we had on Saturday!  I also have to announce that I ran the 5k in 30:27!!!  Yes...that's about a 10 minute mile!  I was so proud of myself that I couldn't stop smiling!  I hadn't officially timed myself in awhile and was glad to know that I could run a good race.  I think we plan on doing the CASA 5k on September 15th that is in Jones State Forest.  I look forward to another great run!

Sunday was Easter and well it didn't exactly start off so great.  We had spent the night at the Big Houck House and I went to go and iron my brand new dress.  I totally had the iron to hot and it burnt a whole right through the front of the dress.  I was devastated!  I enjoy shopping and buying new things as most women do, I suppose, and to have ruined my brand new Easter dress before I even wore it was so not exciting.  I didn't exactly know what to do and was so thankful that Keely suggested we just go home and get another outfit.  So we did, but in the meantime, Michael and I stopped at Old Navy to see if they were going to be open.  We got a new outfit and went back to the Big Houck's and got ready.  As I was getting ready, God was speaking to me and saying to me, "Brittany, is stuff more important?  Have I not made you new in Me?"  I knew that God was using this moment as a humbling one.  I know that God is good and that He uses all things for the good of those who love Him and who are called according to His purpose.  Jeff did a wonderful sermon on one verse in 2 Corinthians 5:17 which says, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come."  What joy it brings God for us to live in the new!  But that doesn't mean we have to have new clothes or look all nice and fancy!  It simply means that we must live like God has given us new life in Him.

Lord, may my thoughts and actions be that of a new life.  I know I am a sinner and not perfect, but Lord I want to please you in all that I do.  God help me to live a life that pleases you in all that I do.  Thank you for new life in You and for the unselfish sacrifice that you have given us through Your Son.  Thank you for allowing Him to die on the cross for my sins and for allowing me a direct pathway into Heaven.

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