Monday, April 2, 2012

Is anything too hard for the Lord?

I am reading in the book of Genesis about Abraham and Sarah.  (I think this one will take me a little longer and even bring me to some more women of faith in the Bible.)  When I got to the part where God spoke to Abraham and told him that He was going to give him a son.  Sarah, you see, was nearby when God spoke and she laughed at God.  She said, "After I am worn out and my master is old, will I  now have this pleasure?"  (Gen. 18: 12)  She didn't think God was capable of giving her a son because she was so old!  How in the world could she possibly ever have a child?  And get this...when God said to Abraham that his wife laughed he confronted her.  She was afraid and said she didn't laugh.  However, Abraham called her out and told her that she did laugh.

I believe there are two things in this that we can learn.  1) God is capable of anything He wants and anything He wills.  No matter what!  He made blind men see, he walked on water, he healed sick, he fed thousands with very little, and so on.  He can do ANYTHING!!  God is a worthy God to be praised and yet He is sovereign and just.  2) I believe that God puts people in our lives, like our husbands, family, and friends, to chip away our sin nature.  We need to honor and respect our husbands because it is God's command.  Not lie to them if they straight up ask us a question.  It's interesting too, that God blesses us with someone who is so different than ourselves!  He uses our help mate to teach us, mold us, and shape us.  "Yet, O Lord, you are our Father.  We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand."  Isaiah 64:8

I took the day off on Friday to help our good friend Steve Toth.  Michael and I went down 2978 and 1488 asking folks if we could put a big sign up for him.  With great success, we got lots of yeses!  I feel like Michael and I learned a lot this weekend.  We had some good conversation in the car working on the Toth campaign, we had some financial conversations and how clothes shopping can be apart of that, and we had cleaning conversations.  What I can conclude from all of those 3 unique instances is that they really aren't all that unique!  In fact, they are the same in that it simply lets us know how DIFFERENT we are!  I got a little magazine in the mail from Proverbs 31 ministries and I read an article in there about "differentness".  We both are learning how different we are and that that is ok.  We just need to accept that we are different and that my way can be just as good as his way.

Thank you Lord for making us different and for teaching us some great lessons this weekend.  I am thankful for me husband and the joy he brings me every time I see him.  Thank you for the man of God that he is, the leadership he exudes, and the love he shows in our marriage.

Dinner tonight = GREEN SMOOTHIES :)
All you do is add a whole bunch of spinach and a little water in the blender.  Once you blend that up, you mix in whatever fruit you desire.

Also, another picture of my sweet husbands poetic cuteness!


  1. haha Brittany you make me laugh and smile. And Michael's poetry is hilarious.

    Thoughts: If a sociologist were to analyze your post they would point out how in (I think) the very same sentence, you point out that a wife needs to honor and respect her husband because it's God's command but then you seem to refer to husbands as their wives' helpmates...

    And I really really enjoy watching you and Kristin grow into godly wives... it's such an interesting and beautiful transformation to watch as a single woman.

    Lastly, thank you for all y'all's hard work on Friday!! You two are great!

    Oh actually this is lastly, let's hang out soon.
