Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Paleo Pizza!

Tonight I had a ton of fun making some paleo pizza!  I found a recipe online and I wanted to try it.  I needed a few items since we don't normally just have tomato paste lying around.  Before I cooked though, Michael and I went on an almost 3 mile run!  I was a bit pooped afterwards and it took me a little while to cool down.

So let's get to the pizza!  (I doubled the recipe I found and this is the new version)

Here is how I made the crust:
2 cups almond flour
4 tsp. olive oil
4 tsp. salt
2 eggs

Preheat oven to 400°. Beat the eggs first and then mix all the other ingredients in.  Once you have a dough, put some parchment paper on a round cookie sheet and spread the dough out.  I used my hands until I needed a rolling pin.  Once rolled out I baked the dough for about 12-15 minutes.

The Paste:

I bought 1 can of organic tomato paste.  I emptied the can in a bowl and refilled the can with water.  Then I added 4 tsp of oregano and 4 tsp. of basil.  This was a delicious paste!  Once the crust was cooked a little, I took it out and lathered it with the paste.

The Toppings:

chicken (pan seared)
ground turkey (pan seared)
diced tomatoes
bell peppers
srirachi peppers
You can really put anything you want on it!

Then I cooked it for about another 15-20 minutes and here is the delectable paleo pizza!


  1. YUMMY! Looks good!! Have you ever tried Paleo Portobello Pizzas? http://paleogurlkitchen.blogspot.com/2011/01/paleo-portobello-pizzas.html
    Super tasty :)

  2. I haven't tried those yet, but they do sound yummy! I am not a mushroom fan myself, but I bet Michael would enjoy them :) Thanks for sharing that link!
